I know, I know we have been very negligent. There's been a lot of running around and freaking out...oh, yeah, and my new ridiculously stressful position at school and Ross busy "developing" away.
We got our I-171H from Atlanta - FINALLY!
We also received new pictures.
Our Power of Attorney was done and fedex'ed to Guatemala. Get this, so far the only snafu we have hit (knock on a big piece of wood!) was the US gov't. We submitted a form that had to be re-done b/c it was not typed. Of course, it was not made to be typed on and there was no indication it should be. Well, $65 later (the cost to fedex one piece of paper to Guat) and a lot of stress and heartache that we prolonged Che coming home....DNA authorization was approved and the samples are at the lab.
Why is the DNA being completed a big deal? Well, the DNA test requires the mother to hold the baby and if she is going to change her mind, this is usually when she does it. Can you imagine how painful this must be? I absolutely cannot imagine.
She has not seen him since birth. There will also be a social worker interview conducted with the mother - hopefully, soon.
The other exciting news - we have purchased plane tickets, reserved the room, and reserved a spot for the furkids at the Barking Hound Lofts for Thanksgiving!
Hopefully, our DNA test will be back and the mother and baby will match.
Did I mention Ross won a contest and it is just enough $ to get us to Guatemala and back?
Blessing? I think so.
I'll do better, ya'll. I promise.
Thanks for coming back.
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